API Spots

APIs for Humans

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A Collection Of Human Friendly API Tools

The API Spots project is a collection of tools for anyone interested in discovering, exploring and interacting with APIs without the need for a technology background.

Embedded into your Chrome browser

The browser is the modern workspace. The API Spots tool suite is distributed as a Chrome extension and runs embedded into your browser providing you with contextual browsing facilities.

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Focused on the not-so technical audience

On the modern web APIs are the driving force of the Internet and even if you are not a developer you can still have access to important data and resources.

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100% Open Source

Built entirely on top of open source technologies and specifications. Following the lead of top technology experts and supporting the open source community efforts.

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Powered by open industry standards

The API Spots project is leveraging widely adopted industry standards like the Open API specification ensuring interoperability with other tools.

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Application Programming Interfaces, also known as APIs

This new way of sharing data using the web is touching almost every aspect of our increasingly digital lives, providing access to the bits and bytes that make our personal and professional worlds go round.

Kin Lane The API Evangelist

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