The Open API specification defines an optional set of authentication methods that can be applied on operations in a granular manner. If an API requires authentication so that the consumer’s identity can be verified, this chapter chapter will give you a walk through on how to activate security features.
In the API explorer and under the section Security of the API definition, a list of cards are displayed based on the security definitions.
You can activate the authentication method of choice directly from the card.
A modal will be displayed prompting you to enter all required credentials,
depending on the authentication scheme.
Once the credentials have been entered they become available for interacting with the API. At any point in time you can alter or deactivate the security method directly from this card.
APIs using basic HTTP authentication method as a security scheme, will require you to enter a set of credentials consisting of a username and password issued by the provider.
APIs secured using an API key authentication method will require you to enter a key issued by the provider. The API key authentication requires no password.